Streamer Story | Meimei: Live a Worry-Free Life to the Fullest

Published on : 31 May 2023

Many people think of Taurus girls as gentle, introverted, rational and calm, but Meimei is an exception. Although she never experienced major ups and downs when growing up, her character tends to be bold and worry-free. In her young and ambitious days, Meimei tried different things for her own success; and when things return to the ordinary, she leads a life of her own pace. Never be defined by conventions and never capped by limits, she follows her heart to live a worry-free life to the fullest.

Youth Is Just about Adventuring

Meimei, who majored in computer electronics, did not find a job that matched her major after graduation. Instead, she opened a clothing store out of her interest in buying clothes. Due to lack of experience, the clothing store never posted satisfying sales, and was forced to close after running for about a year. However, the first failure did not crush Meimei's ambition. During a foot message with a friend, she suddenly felt that it might also be a good business, so she decided to open a foot message parlor.

Once determined, Meimei would definitely go all out, even if it was just a seemingly unrealistic idea – she always believes “if you don’t actually try it, how do you know it won’t succeed!” With previous experience and lessons, Meimei, a second-time business starter, worked even harder, and her foot message parlor flourished under her diligence, which earned her first pot of gold in life. However, plans never change up with changes – due to some reasons, Meimei’s thriving foot message parlor was forced to be transferred others, and Meimei's second business adventure again ended in "failure".

In her youthful days, failure was undoubtedly a painful blow, but the only path to maturity as well. The two business adventures brought Meimei both joys and sorrows – although both turned out to be unsatisfactory, they were meaningful memories for a young soul like Meimei.

Live with Your Own Pace

After giving herself a long vacation, Meimei came into contact with the completely unfamiliar livestreaming industry under the influence of her best friend. Due to her relatively slow personality and lack of communication skills, Meimei, who was new to the profession, once thought about giving up. But whenever she saw other streamers receiving gifts from her loyal fans, her desire to outstand would be reignited. "Why can't I do that?" Building on her resilient and relentless personality, Meimei didn’t give up, and instead, gained a solid foothold on the platform with her sincerity and persistence, harvesting a group of diehard fans.

At the livestreaming session, people come and go, and ups and downs are something common. All streamers will need to overcome their bottleneck period, and that’s no exception for Meimei. But perhaps the previous frustrations have shaped Meimei's free-spirited and resilient personality. Whenever her livestreaming sessions aren’t turning out well, she will take a complete break to relax herself, and adjust her state before starting again. Repeated "pause" and "restart" is something that most streamers do not dare to try, but Meimei is never worried. She understands that everyone has their own pace, and instead of following the footsteps of others and desperately rushing forward, it is better to focus on taking every step under your own feet.



Live a Worry-Free Life to the Fullest

The past few years of working as a streamer has not only taught Meimei how to better get along with others, but also polished the impetuousness and willfulness in her personality, but what remains unchanged is her worry-freeness and calmness. She says that she is a free-spirited person, very satisfied with the status quo, and does not put too much pressure on herself, but when there is a "sudden inspiration", she is still willing to devote all her enthusiasm and energy to earnestly pursue that inspiration. "It's just a burst of energy and determination, because I really want to try it very hard. Success or failure, it will be nothing but another adventure that is never important given our long life journey.

Although confined to the limited space of her livestreaming studio everyday, Meimei, who is always sensitive, will also pay attention to the changes around her. She not only stays calm towards life, but also actively adapts to the environment and trends. It’s her attitude towards life to never set limits on herself, always enjoy a worry-free state, and celebrate such a life to the fullest.