Everyone who works hard is a hero

Published on : 03 April 2020

At the beginning of this year, the war to fight against COVID-19 began. Many familiar and strange characters appeared. They either wear protective clothing, goggles, or hold batons and stick to key areas, or handle disinfection barrels, eliminate virus and isolate patients. Countless people were fully armed to fight the epidemic.

On the battlefield without gunpowder, stories about them are widely circulated- "As a medical worker and the daughter-in-law of Hubei people, I am obliged to go to the front line." Head nurse Zhu Haili wrote a petition with 43 colleagues; "We have no reason to stand by!" Liu Deren, the commander of the on-site command headquarters of Leishenshan Hospital; "We race against time!" Jin Meilin, who has been engaged in disease prevention and control research for many years, came to the front line again this time; "Mr. Xu, can you help me collect the medicine?" Putting down the phone, the deputy director of the community Xu Zhipeng hurried to the hospital; "I have experienced the Wenchuan earthquake, and now this country is facing serious challenging, so something must be done!" Yuan Xiaojie stayed in Wuhan as a driver volunteer; "There are crowds near the stadium, please come and evacuate the people", He Fan, Fireman from Ezhou , returned to the scene from the prevention and control headquarters through a drone.

As the Wuhan epidemic situation improved, the support team began to return; 1,090 medical staff were on their way home. An 88-year-old man who recovered and left the hospital entrusted a friend to bring 260 bookmarks with Wuhan elements and send them to the medical staff as a commemoration.

"Wuhan Fighting Epidemic War-First-line News" column page

This is the best era. Mobile networks have made unknown heroes known by the public and motivated them move forwards.

These touching stories have been collected in the "Wuhan Fighting Epidemic War -First-line News" column, which was launched by Guangming.com and Scienjoy to record the ordinary individuals on the frontline battlefield and pay tribute to them.

Although the epidemic disrupted daily life, it allowed various "clouds" to penetrate people's lives. It seems that we in the rear can also contribute to epidemic fighting in our own way. During this period, many high-quality Internet companies and dedicated services have become the pillars for ensuring life and improving efficiency.

Tencent's meeting software updated 14 versions in 40 days, expanded 100,000 cloud hosts in 8 days, and invested more than 1 million cores in computing resources. Alibaba Cloud provides AI computing power to help pharmaceutical research institutions shorten the research and development cycle. ByteDance's online education platform provides live broadcast services.

 Coming together to overcome difficulties

Combining its business characteristics and advantages, Scienjoy is fulfilling its own social responsibilities: the group donated RMB 1 million to Wuhan for the procurement of epidemic prevention materials; remitting the donation from employees of RMB 101,010 to a local charity association of Hubei; to guide users to fight against the epidemic, each of our live broadcast platforms has set up a "Working Together and Let's Fight against Epidemic" publicity area. Since its launch, everyone has expressed emotions and mutual encouragement; on the technical side, the group embraces 5G technology and explores the application of artificial intelligence in live broadcasts; on the content side, Scienjoy meets diverse and refined needs, strives for a group of high-quality partners, carries out home fitness live broadcasts, explores "cloud theater" and further enriches the platform content ecology. In addition, Scienjoy helps the original offline partners to adjust their model and manage the crisis, promoting the construction of OMO ecology, exploring the combination of online and offline scenes which makes real-time interaction and presentation of live broadcasts integrated.

The haze of the epidemic gradually disappeared, but it should not be taken lightly, because the battle has not ended and we need to unite to help each other, and overcome difficulties. Whether you are an enterprise or an individual, on the battlefield, everyone who works hard and keeps making progress is a hero.

Article is from Guangming (Dong Dazheng)